'Golf is my Game' by Bobby Jones

LB & I go for a drive this afternoon towards the Trossachs re-invigorating our senses with the beauty of this area of Scotland. Great views across the snow topped mountains, frozen lochs, wintry forests and a pale blue sky. The country looks fantastic.

Stopping at the SAC (Scottish Antique Centre) at Doune, a few miles from Callander, we go in with no thoughts to buy anything, just in for a good old browse amongst the bric-a-brac of the past.  Pretty soon I've lost LB, easy to do in the warrens of this warehouse, and begin to linger at many of the bookcases that are haphazardly scattered about.

I soon find what I did not know I was looking for: Golf is my Game written by R.T. Jones in 1959, with a foreward by the legendary golf writer Bernard Darwin.

Bobby Jones & his putter Calamity Jane

The book is in superb condition for being 50 years old and I am biting at the bit to get sat doon in a good comfy seat, a glass of malt and read it. I quote Bernard Darwin from his foreward:

I suppose that to many young golfers of today he is a legendary figure, but I think if they read his book he will become an intensely live and real one and much more than a mere name, however outstanding, in the list of champions.

You have got to be enthused about the book after reading that kind of eulogy from the grand old journalist. Some of the chapter's titles are interesting: Learn by Playing, Timing and Rhythm, The British Amateur-the Most Important Tournament of My Life, The Stymie-Let's Have it Back!, Augusta-An Idea is Born, St. Andrews-A Short Love Story. It looks like I may have found a book to take on 'my favourite golf book' tag.


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