Oystercatcher Golf Society at North Berwick

The first 2012 golf outing for the OysterCatcher Golf Society will be held over the last weekend in February and the members will be residing in the wonderfully indulgent North Berwick Golf Lodge, www.northberwickgolflodge.co.uk, situated about a 25 minute drive south of Edinburgh.

The golfers are booked on the historic West Links at North Berwick over the first couple of days. Two tee times have been arranged for Saturday 25th at 13.09 & 13.18pm and Sunday at 12.33 & 12.42pm. If I may suggest, the second round will allow the participants an opportunity to 'right' the shots lost the previous day.
'Perfection' the Par4 14th green North Berwick West Links
The golf course was founded in 1832 and golf has been played over this links ever since. It is regulary used as a Final Qualifying venue when the Open Championship is held at Muirfield and will be again when the Open is played there in 2013. More details and history can be found at http://www.northberwickgolfclub.com/

A third round has been arranged for Monday morning on Gullane No.2 Course which was built in 1898. It was an Open Qualifying venue back in 1980 and though to short for todays professionals it should give the Oystercatchers a good test. Details of the Gullane No.2 can be found at the http://www.gullanegolfclub.com/courses/81/


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Dear John & Jill, thank you for the kind comments. Good to get some response...especially positive.

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