St. Andrews Caddies Golf Club

Caddie Pavilion St. Andrews Links
The St. Andrews Caddies Golf Club (SACGC) have announced the competition fixture list for this year, 2013, and a very tasty opening fixture is being played at the mighty Kingsbarns Links against the Vikings from Sweden. The SACGC squeezed a 9.5 v 4.5 matchplay victory last year when the inaugural match was played on 2010 Open Qualifying Torrance Course at the St. Andrews Fairmont Hotel. Our Swedish friends will be out for revenge.

 St. Andrews Caddies Golf Club 
2013 Fixture List

APRIL                         20TH    Celts vs. Vikings Match        Kingsbarns
                                   25TH     Monthly Medal No. 1             Optional
                                   27TH     April Medal                            Optional

MAY                           11TH     May Medal                             Optional
                                    23RD     Monthly Medal No. 2             Optional
                                    26TH    Spring Prizes                         The Torrance                                    

These are the first two months of competition dates which will continue through the season until November when an 'Winter Eclectic League' will begin, played on the Old Course, until 31st March 2014.

Details on how to join the St. Andrews Caddies Golf Club, which is open to all golfers and is now officially affiliated to The Scottish Golf Union, can be found at the following link:


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