Scotland January 'lockdown' and golf.

Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, today announced that the country would 'lockdown' for the month of January due to the increase in COVID-19. This means that the travel ban into and around the country continues with no travel between Scotland's regions. Schools are to remain closed until February, with a review to when they can open in the middle of January.

The population is being asked to remain at home unless it is essential to leave for food, care or work. Outside exercise is being encouraged and you can meet outside with one other from a different household. Thankfully this means that golf in St Andrews can continue and locals can play in twos, as we did back in May last year, while taking the obvious and necessary precautions.

With the news that the 'Oxford' vaccination began today in the UK we are hopeful that this and the 'lockdown' will start to see a reduction in cases and an opening to international travel with overseas golfers returning to Scotland in the late Spring...Fore!


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